My Amal Journey

3 min readOct 9, 2020


My Amal journey started with a cup of tea on a Friday afternoon. Our PA and PM arranged an ice breaker session for us before the session so we could get familiar with each other.

I am still trying to digest the fact that this journey will end in only a week and there will be no more getting up early on the weekends. Amal has been a highlight of my year 2020 and I am thankful for this journey. I have made some really good friends and learned so many new things.

Almost two weeks ago, we had our mock interviews.

The word scared would be an understatement. We were so tense and feeling so much pressure. Our hearts were beating faster than flash and our minds were boggled with the anxiety of the interview.

Right after the interview, we were put in the post-interview room. I was one of the first five fellows who were interviewed so I made into the post-interview room quickly. Only two of the fellows were present there. One by one, the post-interview room started filling with fellows.

We didn’t know what to do with all the time we had so we decided to sing songs. A bunch of fellows, who are already known for their talented melodious voices, were nominated to sing songs and the fun began. In the middle of this, we decided to play a prank on incoming participants, we told them that everyone has sung a song, and now it’s their turn.

Nobody could tell that these bunch of silly youngsters was giving interviews a while ago.

Right then and there I realized that I have a very strong bond with these people, people I have only seen on my laptop, and maybe I don’t even know them that well. But they are my Amal Family. And I will miss them the most, all of them, once the fellowship ends.

I always struggle to make friends and in 2019 Abeera would have never thought she would make such good friends in a really short amount of time, that too with the help of the internet.

But 2020 Abeera is very happy that she met these amazingly talented people. My Amal fellows have a huge role in my growth in these three weeks and I will never forget them.

That day, I wish I had participated more since I was very quiet and just observing people.

But I am looking forward to the last session which will most probably be more fun than this for sure.

Adios Amal

(This blog is dedicated to my friends in Amal)



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